Pokémon Go, Guide, Calcul, IV, Statistiques Cachées. Alors que certains joueurs ne jouent qu'à Pokémon Go pour la capture, d'autres poussent la chose Il y a plusieurs façons de jouer à Pokémon Go, et je pense que vous l'aurez bien compris tout seul. Certains jouent "tout simplement", quand ils...
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download pokemon go grátis (android) Share Pokemon GO 0.153.1 with your friends. Blog. Discover our editors choices. Follow the official Uptodown communities to keep up with all the new Android apps and games. Pokémon GO: Saiba como calcular IV e para que Serve Calcular IV Pokémon: Saiba como medir e para que serve? Veja o passo a passo nesse tutorial simples. Não fique para trás nas O que é IV? Cada Pokémon no jogo é único, apesar das espécies seguirem um "padrão" de status, cada Pokémon possui um número... More About IV Calculator for Pokemon Go 1.0.2 apk > Please note that the IV Calculator for Pokemon Go apk file v1.0.2 here is the free and original apk file obtained from the official Google Play server. It DOES NOT contain any mod, cheat, crack or unlimited gold patch. Pokemon GO IV Calculator | Pokemon GO Hub
Some Pokemon can have their IVs identified immediately, other will require up to 5 Power-Ups to know exactly which IV set it has. Regardless, you should know within 0-1 powerups if it's "close to perfect".
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